Saturday, February 23, 2008

My balls will not fit
In a big wheelbarrow
I must shoulder them
I laughed my balls off
At your self-deprecation
They grew back bigger

Polytheistic balls

Gonad, Testicle,
Coin purse, Scrotum, Baby Brain,
Sack. Lowercase balls.

Papist Balls

Ban contraceptive.
Catholic Balls make babies.
In Balls we trust.

Agnostic Balls

I might have Balls...I'm
not sure they exist. Do you
believe in my Balls?

Zen Balls

Buddha's not attached
to his balls. He gave his to
Peter Griffin's face.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

You ever noticed
Newborns have bright red ball sacks?
like a baboons ass

I like that one part
in Funny Farm when Chevy
Chase eats those lamb fries.

My balls are so long,
I tattooed them and threw out
my measuring tape.

"How's business, Curtis?"
None of yours, you lousy prick.
Your question licks balls.

Strom Thurmond had balls.
Now they are worm food, rotting
in his racist grave.

Rappers' fav'rite balls:
murder murder murder balls,
and kill kill kill balls.

May I introduce
supplanter of all things "ball,"
... (that's your cue, Jaime)


Balls Haiku Haiku

All these balls haiku
(and, yes, I include my own)
seem a bit contrived.

Ten or so haiku
about balls right before bed.
Oh, what dreams may come!

My ball sack shriveled
when that ghost jumped out at us
in the haunted house.


Don't buy used.

A bicycle seat
saturated with the sweat
of a stranger's balls.

The best part about
America's Roller Coast:
Topsy-turvy balls.

Guess what, scientists.
That was no lunar eclipse.
My balls blocked the sun.

Santa gave me coal
for being naughty this year.
Last year, I got balls.

Could you spare a dime?
My balls need to make a call.
They have forty cents.

Why did Princess Di
accomplish so many things?
Answer: She had balls.

My balls are stubborn.
They absolutely refuse
to stay within reach.

Royal Majesty,
in their humble servitude,
my balls bow deeply.

Popeye Sailorman,
Instead of spinach biceps,
you get wilted balls.

I fucking dare you,
dare you to keeble my balls.
Stupid Keebler elves.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Named your balls for us?
See the man who has three balls?
John Snyder, you're him.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kevin and Betsy.
That's what I have named my balls.
Hear that, Dykemas?


I can't see but I
know that one ball is blue and
the other is green

- Jane

My balls have glasses
because they can't see very well
They are far-sighted

- Jane

My balls are partners
always doing the right thing
in crime and in love


Monday, February 18, 2008

I saw the balls on
A bull mastiff at the park
Had to look away