Saturday, March 22, 2008

Football, baseball, squash
Tennis, ping pong, jai alai
Wait, what's the topic?
My balls turned so blue
At the very thought of you
One stroke and I blew
drank so much coffee
that my balls started twitching
wonders never cease
how you gonna pay?
peckerhead checker asked me
go lick balls, i said
i lifted my balls
let some folks amble on through
set them down again
Yeah, play with my balls.
Play with my balls, play with my...
Hey wait, I'm not done!

Concerning women.
Some of them don't suck on balls.

Ahh, the money shot.
Give credit to the testes.
They do all the work.

My balls are too big.
They weigh me down ev'ry day.

Take your balls in hand.
Shave them with cream and razor.
It will change your life.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Locker room horseplay
A wet towel snaps my sack
Splits, balls tumble out
Give your balls a treat.
Go on, you know you want to.
Have they not earned it?

There's no need to shout.
Please, stop yelling at my balls.
Shh. You're scaring them.

Out at the Old Town,
my balls shrivel up. Way up!
Loud noise scares my balls.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Our Shark

Balls go into cage
And cage goes into salsa
Shark is in salsa


Sunday, March 16, 2008

i like riding bulls
smash the balls, flap and flail
there's nothing better

Requiem for a Space Moose

Dreaming about breasts
Big, ripe, disembodied tits
I awake, turgid
