Saturday, February 16, 2008

a night on the town
a cincinnati bow tie
she's dressed to impress

Old Ben said to him,
"Yoda, they're after your balls!"
Old Ben was confused.

Mighty, pulling dog,
you have no balls! I have balls!
Go to the bathroom!


Friday, February 15, 2008

infecting seepage
fusing scrotal lining to
sweating inside thigh
Fuzzy, nagging things.
My balls quite resemble a
joey in the pouch.

"They are supposed to
be twins" she sighed. But my balls
don't hang that way fool.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Razor's edge

Shaved testicles

Razor's edge so close to pride

Be kind, do not slip


Not allowed at all

To write about hairy balls

At work, I must wait

Glory be to the
Father, to the Son, and to
his Holy Gonads

oh what to do, what to do?
tight...tidy whities

( )
drawing balls is fun to do!
( )


bracket space bracket
drawing balls is fun to do!
bracket space bracket
balls in a vice grip
henry rollins holds them firm
he slept on that couch.

don't have 'em so...

i drew balls instead.


ampersand tilde
curly brace curly brace dash
i drew balls instead.
getting tutored rules.
what have I been working on?
balls haiku's mostly.

Steal a camera
Crowd 'round it in the bathroom
Russ's balls are gray

Happy birthday, Lew
Relax as I give your balls
An Indian burn


political balls

one's black, one woman
both got balls bigger than bush
the future looks bright

Buster has no balls.
He was just a little pup
robbed of a future.

Do dogs miss their balls
the way a human would miss
a severed finger?

My balls LOVE to dance!
They politely decline, though.
They won't do "the twist."

at work not working
reading balls haikus laughing
it was Big Balla!


Graduate students
Sitting in lectures writing
Haikus about balls


Naked on the porch
The wind blows through my ballsack


Sick with my disease
Will they ever find a cure
For exploding balls?


Stinky smelly warm
Rotten melon in the sun
Orange interloper


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

They've grown tentacles!
My balls have grown tentacles!
It was just a dream

I've taken the time
To trim a little down there
Handsome, are they not?

No time for debate
There's blood on the bathroom tile
Get these balls some gauze

The searing pain spreads
Deep into my abdomen
I've been kicked down there

Scrotum skin pulled tight
Red and blue like highway maps
Patriotic veins

Pull my scrotum tight
Pour His blood in the hollow
Holy sack-rament


Dick Ontoast

My balls scarfed a meal.
Seyth was the guy who cooked it.
He had dick on toast.

i can hear my balls.
they ask me to turn it up.
hold your horses balls.

hey balls hit the road!
you are wasting my time balls!
sorry balls, i'm drunk.

balls love open bars.
they mingle with the ladies
extroverted balls.

dog in a bathtub
talking about my balls man
they don't fit in there.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pummelled by the waves
Drowning in a sea of tears
Can his balls survive?

Alone in a field
A flash across the night sky
My balls strike the earth

Underneath the tree
On December 25th
New balls for Christmas

Thought she was a girl
Until I could smell her balls

Who invented Balls?
It must have been a man who
cared deeply for sperm.
Roll that shit up bitch!
She shouted like a man at
my shy smoking balls.
Five more men were killed
When will the violence end?
Only balls will tell

My pastor knelt down
He whispered, "Balls be with you"
"And also with you"

Fuck the IRS
Don't pay taxes and they will
Throw your balls in jail

Humid, humid room,
are you keeping these balls moist?
I've tried everything.

My balls are Prize balls.
Not lottery or keno:
Prize like "County Fair".

Who could guess how great
my balls look when I shower?
Would you care to see?
i fell from a great
tower, but my balls caught a
branch on the way down
one man has large balls
and another tiny ones
it's the way things go
i once had a dream
with giant red balls tearing
at my clothes and flesh
eating hard on balls
can look like a pirate ship
from the right angle

i injured my balls
and they grafted elbow skin
to my withered scrout

a dude strangled his
own balls using the hair that
grew from his own balls

two new types of balls:
double indemnity balls
and lasertoast balls

balls make life better
balls give me reason to live
balls are gift of life

my balls have a name,
endearing, yet accurate:
"trouble down below"

mike has a secret
though he hates to bring it up
it's about his balls

all i want is balls
all i think about is balls
it's a pleasant life

i said, "show me food."
he said, "i'll show you my balls."
i thanked him for hours

my balls hang low when
it's warm and when it's cold
my balls stay close to me

Monday, February 11, 2008

my balls hurt so bad.
morton andersen's down there
kicking at my balls.
On such days as these,
sorrows of a thousand men
ache within my balls.

Father says to son,
"If it were not for my balls,
you would not exist."

"wow, look at those things."
"yeah", 'sheed says "those ball's don't lie."
"no 'sheed, they do not."
I wish that my balls
had online multiplayer,
they would pown your balls.

Balls play hide-and-seek.
They can hide behind a bush
or under a rug.


Signal flare goes up,
blazing the side of the street.
My balls blew a tire.


My doink is so small
I cannot avoid pissing
All over my balls

Hawthorne wrote a lot.
Great fiction regarding balls.
Thank you, Nathaniel.
The snow storm billows.
My balls ask, "Can we go home?"
Yes, balls, we may go.
I call them my balls.
I call them my best buddies.
you can call them, Mr. Balls.

My balls can drain J's
From anywhere on the court.
My balls are on fire.

Jerry Lee Lewis
actually meant to say
"My balls are on fire!"


I have a neat trick
Wherein I lift up my balls
Without using hands


It's going to take some...
Well, let's call it character.
No.  Let's call it balls.


When my balls get drunk
They always get in trouble
With the fucking cops

my favorite part
of the lamb of god must be
the lamb of god's balls

up in outer space
balls can flop in many ways
thanks to weightlessness

all i want to do
is play with somebody's balls
in a hovercraft.

camel toe ball sack
you hang low like mama left
perk up, sad, small sack
