Saturday, March 1, 2008

Almost ev'ry day
Buster hits me in the balls.
My life fucking sucks.


Friday, February 29, 2008

bee bopaloo balls
ramalama ding dong balls
dip dip dip dip balls

a twinkling iris
a majestic cornea
eye balls are balls too

damn, why do i need
a fucking google account
to write about balls?
two balls in a shell
just waiting to be tasted,
like snacks at the bar.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Super Pitfall rocks!
The music rocks. Homeboy's blue.
Are his balls blue too?


Blondie walking by,
don't think I didn't catch you
peeking at my balls.


Thirsty Balls

One Jameson please,
on the rocks, splash of bitters.
Better make that three.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

wiener goes with nuts,
like cherries and butts, hehe
haikus don't make sense.

from dana
build a nice li'l house
decorate the walls with art
and tack up some balls

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

swinging from a limb
by a rope around my balls
this is dignity
clinton has no balls
maybe she will win the race
leader with no balls
my balls are a church
people come inside to pray
save their sorry souls
i announce myself
by handing my balls over
to the guests present
that's a male plane
how the hell would you know that?
it has little balls
Stuck on 2 Down: Five
Letters - B (blank) L L S
I suck at crosswords

Monday, February 25, 2008

Russ and Pete's small balls
In my face before a test
Good Lord, they were small
On the big island
A coffee shop has the name
"Donkey Balls." Won't go.
Three straight elections
My balls voted for Nader
What a fucking waste
my eyes are my own
my hands and feet and brainstem
but my balls are yours
black market treasure
smuggled through hostile borders
sad sad tiger's balls
My coworker said,
"You've got some balls, man" because
I played Steely Dan
See the stout pitbull?
He sits like that to keep his
Balls off the cold ground

On hot summer days

During long, cold winter nights

My balls like ice cream

Give it some more gas!
Don't let the clutch out so fast!
My balls can't drive stick.

She ordered foie gras.
I offered my balls and said,
"These are pretty fowl."

They saw me and said,
"Oh my god he's got a gun!
Wait. That's just his balls."

give balls as a gift
it's the only decent thing
you can ever do
sing ho for the balls
sing derry ding dong dilly
then slap yourself thrice
these balls are magic
hairy portenders of truth
you gowna die, fool

Sunday, February 24, 2008

slap some mirrors on
dangle me and shine a light
dig the disco 'nads
drive over my balls
if you think you have the balls
we'll see who has balls
my balls could sneak up
kick your balls hard in the teeth
and take your woman
wish I had whiskers
long ones on my stealthy balls
night navigation
he reached blindly back
grabbed hairy little dog balls
leave it to Dano....
tanuki comes down
parachutes with his ball sack
from home of the gods
forty thousand bucks
could buy you one of my balls
so cheap so damn cheap!